Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cockatoo Island

Under the Harbour Bridge...

Docking at Cockatoo Island....

Cockatoo Island is hosting part the Biennale Festival, a contemporary arts visual arts festival.  I read the program, digested the exhibit information and contemplated the relevance of each installation, but could not for the life of me give you any idea what any of them are about.  So here is some cold smoke pouring across the entrance to a building.

After a long tour of the exhibits, we sit and contemplate the relevance of existance in context of man's struggle to come to terms with mortality and post-modernist.....pass the vegemite.

Following initial use as a penal facility in the 1850's, Cockatoo Island developed into a major shipyard, reaching its zenith in the 1940's after the fall of Singapore.

(Long day (its only 2.30pm) and we are starting to feel very tired (pronounced "Toi-urrrd").

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