Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Birralee Christmas Concert

Pre-school finally finished and we close out with the Birralee Christmas Concert.  Thomas and Zach wait to get going, whilst class mate James does something he shouldn't.

Hannah, for some reason not next to the boys (to be resolved later), sings beautifully.

Great sining throughout the concert.  Included in the Christmas Carols - Advance Australia Fair - with Tripinos standing with hands on heart and belting it out!  Sounds like I am the only non-Australian left!

Eevryone receives a parting gift of their work from the year from class teacher Mrs Sheriden.  How she controlled them for a whole year, I dont know.  Sorely missed.  Especially Mondays and Tuesdays.

New house!

In advance of Mags arriving tomorrow we had better tell her where we live.  If we dont see you at the airport show the taxi driver this picture.  It'll be fine.


Wannabee's play centre on a Saturday afternoon.

Hannah's ballet

Hannah in her ballet concert costume.  Sans wings.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trick or Treat

Thomas, Zach and Hannah join the other children in our Close to go "trick or treating" at the adjacent houses.  They literally swarmed from house to house, gathering up a years supply of chocolate etc. Hannah went as a ballerina, Thomas as Superman, and Zach as a character from Reno 911.

Today's exam question.

Today's exam question - A number of athletic field events are represented at the Olympic Games.  Discus.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I am trying to get back into excercising again.  The doctor said start with something easy that gets your heart pumping and a little out of breath three times a week.  No problem, I have started smoking.  Boom boom.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I taught Hannah how to whistle at the weekend.  Just purse your lips and blow.  Now, I can't get her to stop - all day, every day - reading, drawing, walking, playing - every 30 seconds - wheeeeeeeep!!  STOPSTOPSTOP!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Superman & Supercan

Kate's away for the weekend, so we are on parenting/crowd control duties.  Hannah has been dropped at ballet classes, so hanging out with the boys.  They want to have Superman facepaints, so I oblige with skillfully drawn superman logos.  Pretty neat, I think - surely most parents would lack the dedication to devote the hours of time needed to draw perfect Superman icons, fulfilling the not just the demands, but the fundamental reasoning behind 4 year old requirements,

Ten minutes later, they are asking me to wash it off.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Thanks Auntie Phoebes!

Dear Auntie Phoebe,

Thank you very much for our wonderful London Olympics 2012 T-shirts, we love them!!  So much so, we are going to put our hands over our heads, stick our tongues out and say "Smelly Cheese!!".

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's a long drawn out joke, but are you looking at Brian May?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Feeding Kangaroos

Day trip to Symbio Zoo, a small wildlife park outside Woollongong.  Thomas, Zach and Hannah get to feed the kangaroos in the rain. 

Now, where will I leave my fish where I can find them?

"Stand fast, proud men of Margaret Place!  Tonight, we fight the battle that will be spoken of in years to come, we shall sell our lives dearly defending our land, our kingdom, our Freedom! "  Or something.


There is only one thing to say....... "Dah-dada-DAH!!! To The Rescue!!"


View of the Baranagaroo Development from my office window.  Lend Lease have avoided having an extensive number of trucks on the road carrying excavated material by purchasing a container barge.  This is loaded up with excavated material and sails off to drop it off at the new Port Kembla.  Saves all that extra traffic, fuel etc.  The barge looks like it may not make it all the way, though.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cockatoo Island

Under the Harbour Bridge...

Docking at Cockatoo Island....

Cockatoo Island is hosting part the Biennale Festival, a contemporary arts visual arts festival.  I read the program, digested the exhibit information and contemplated the relevance of each installation, but could not for the life of me give you any idea what any of them are about.  So here is some cold smoke pouring across the entrance to a building.

After a long tour of the exhibits, we sit and contemplate the relevance of existance in context of man's struggle to come to terms with mortality and post-modernist.....pass the vegemite.

Following initial use as a penal facility in the 1850's, Cockatoo Island developed into a major shipyard, reaching its zenith in the 1940's after the fall of Singapore.

(Long day (its only 2.30pm) and we are starting to feel very tired (pronounced "Toi-urrrd").

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