Saturday, September 15, 2012

Superman & Supercan

Kate's away for the weekend, so we are on parenting/crowd control duties.  Hannah has been dropped at ballet classes, so hanging out with the boys.  They want to have Superman facepaints, so I oblige with skillfully drawn superman logos.  Pretty neat, I think - surely most parents would lack the dedication to devote the hours of time needed to draw perfect Superman icons, fulfilling the not just the demands, but the fundamental reasoning behind 4 year old requirements,

Ten minutes later, they are asking me to wash it off.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Thanks Auntie Phoebes!

Dear Auntie Phoebe,

Thank you very much for our wonderful London Olympics 2012 T-shirts, we love them!!  So much so, we are going to put our hands over our heads, stick our tongues out and say "Smelly Cheese!!".